Register to offer project assignments

Here you can register to get access to the profiles of the Junior Professionals and to upload ToRs for project assignments.
After registration, you will receive a confirmation link to the provided email address. Please confirm within 24 hours to activate your account.

Username: You will need this account to login to this site. Later you cannot change the account name.
Password: Your Password for this site.
Password rules:
- Min 8, max 30 characters
- Must include: letter (a-Z), number (0-9), special character (# . , - / : = ? @ [ ] { } ^ ~))
- No blank space, no umlauts (äöü)
Repeat password: Confirm your password
Email: Please provide a valid e-mail address. All information will be sent to this e-mail address.
Family name: Family name
First name: First name
Organization: Name of your organization
Country you are based in: Country
Interested offering projects for n/n: Error: Not assigned!

Data Privacy:
The data provided will be used exclusively for administrative purposes related to this web application.