Register as a Junior Professional

Here you can register and upload your personal profile and preferences for the project assignment.
After registration, you will receive a confirmation link via email. Please confirm within 24 hours to activate your account.

Username: You will need this account to login to this site. Later you cannot change the account name.
Password: Your Password for this site.
Password rules:
- Min 8, max 30 characters
- Must include: letter (a-Z), number (0-9), special character (# . , - / : = ? @ [ ] { } ^ ~))
- No blank space, no umlauts (äöü)
Repeat password: Confirm your password
Email: Please provide a valid e-mail address. All information will be sent to this e-mail address.
Family name: Family name
First name: First name
Gender: Gender
Date of birth: Date of birth (
*  (
Nationality: Nationality
 Please list the highest degree first. At least first line is to complete

Data Privacy:
The data provided will be used exclusively for administrative purposes related to this web application.